Ten Common Myths about Diabetes – We Mustn’t Ignore it!

Ten Common Myths about Diabetes

Have you ever noticed that people often advise people with diabetes about their food, illness, and diet? They tell them that consuming excess sugar caused them diabetes. Also, they must be very particular about their diet now. All this is far from reality. Diabetes is probably the most prevalent disease that carries countless myths about itself. We are here to guide you to distinguish between facts and fiction by relating the top ten common myths about diabetes.

Let’s have a comprehensive look at these myths about Diabetes. But, before doing so, we must introduce a few facts about Diabetes for your kind consideration.

Diabetes And Its Types

Diabetes And Its Types

Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the blood glucose level of the patient rises high. It has two types:

  1. Diabetes Mellitus is due to the malfunctioning of certain cells present in the Islets of Langerhans of our pancreas.
  2. Diabetes Insipidus is the result of the poor functioning of our kidneys.

Causes Of Diabetes

The followings are the major causes of Diabetes.

  1. Inadequate production of insulin and poor response of the body cells to insulin
  2. A combination of both the causes 

Usual Symptoms Of Diabetes

The following three are the usual symptoms that enhance the complications of Diabetes.

  1. Excessive urination called polyuria
  2. Extreme thirst or polydipsia
  3. Acute hunger or polyphagia

We observe that most diabetics are suffering from Diabetes Mellitus that further has three types.

Type 1 Diabetes

Diabetes caused due to the inability of the body to produce insulin itself is called type 1 diabetes or also as insulin-dependent diabetes. Most often, this ailment appears in individuals before the age of 40. So, all of us should be alert and careful in our teens or early adulthood years.

Type 2 Diabetes

Here, the body either does not produce enough insulin to carry out the day-long activities or does not react to the insulin produced. Recent research shows that 90% of all diabetic patients in the world have type 2 diabetes.

Type 3 Or Gestational Diabetes

As the name refers, this type of Diabetes affects females, especially during their pregnancy period. Some pregnant women may suffer from high blood glucose levels during this phase and find it really difficult levels during this phase and find it really difficult to manage or adapt to the situation.

Some Important Facts Besides A Lot Of Common Myths About Diabetes

Myths about diabetes

Myths and diabetes go hand in glove with each other. One of the most threatening facts about Diabetes is that the minimum age of patients for this disease has come down to two. Diabetes is really a fatal disease that you must treat vigilantly. The patient may suffer from a nonketotic hyperosmolar coma if he/she reaches some advanced and serious stage of diabetes. Diabetes complications can give rise to many other dangerous and deadly diseases as their side effects are overwhelming. If a careless diabetic does not restrict his/her diet and pays no attention to following a proper lifestyle, it may result in many serious and life-threatening issues. These may include chronic kidney failure, cardiovascular diseases, no quick healing of wounds, loss of eyesight, and various kinds of stroke.

Now, we will discuss some pervasive myths about diabetes that have got famous the world over and need your proper consideration for their removal.

Common Myths About Diabetes That Need Permanent Removal

Myths about the complications of diabetes have been around ever since. Myths and diabetes is the hot topic of almost every group discussion at a party or some family function. They have created a powerful impact on the mind of many people. Besides, some new myths about diabetes are also making their mark. As responsible human beings, we must try our level best to stop spreading these wrong myths. Equipped with comprehensive explanations and logical suggestions, the top ten myths about diabetes are here in this article for your kind focus.

Myth No. 1 

If you have Diabetes, you will have more disadvantages attached than those caused by other diseases. 

Disadvantages of diabetes

Facts About This Diabetes Myth

Recent medical research and advancements have proved that there are many other painful diseases with more disadvantages than those attached to Diabetes. Moreover, diabetic patients have comparatively more time to treat, prevent, and nullify the spread of this disease to the next stage. They can fight against diabetes complications by consulting with a specialist doctor, consuming a healthy diet, and consequently leading a stress-free life.

Myth No. 2      

Statistically, breast cancer and combined HV/AIDS.

breast cancer caused by diabetes

Facts About This Diabetic Myth

This is actually not the case. Patients can live a long way with the most common form of the disease, type 2 Diabetes. They can prevent the disease from entering the next stage with the help of strong initial medication and health precautions. However, it is highly sensible to advise a person with frequent feelings of fatigue, blurry vision, sleepless nights due to too much urination, and wounds taking a long time to heal to opt for a diabetes test. Any delay in this regard or prolonging the visit to the doctor may raise complications, mainly if the sufferer is above 45 years of age.

Myth No. 3        

You are more likely to catch Diabetes if you are overweight.


Facts About This Myth On Diabetes

One of the pleasant surprises is that it is sporadic that an obese person catches type 2 Diabetes. No doubt, the risk is always there, but it is never mandatory that an obese individual will get Diabetes. The other main contributors are genetics, attitude, lifestyle, etc. Based on careful estimation, a mass index of more than 25 can pave the way for Diabetes while more than 30 is a grave number. However, you can fight against every single ailment by following the general principles of hygiene and a balanced lifestyle.

Myth No. 4      

You get more likely to catch Diabetes as you age.

Catch diabetes as you age

Facts About This Myth About Diabetes

This has some truth in it, especially for persons above 40. Family commitments, a hectic job, no proper physical activity, and genetic factors are some of the chief factors responsible for this myth. There are some other things involved, as well. If a forty-plus person is facing problems of hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol level, metabolic syndrome, etc., he is likely to get Diabetes very soon. Likewise, a woman with Gestational Diabetes who gives birth to a child weighing around 9 pounds is at a higher risk of getting diabetes permanently. So, we can say that age is a factor in catching Diabetes, but only if other typical conditions accompany it.

Myth No. 5       

Diabetic patients should refrain from undertaking challenging exercises.

undertaking challenging exercises

Facts About This Myth For Diabetic Patients

This is quite contrary to the practical reality, which says that a diabetic patient can lead a well-balanced life if he follows the advice of his dietician and physician along with taking regular exercise. There must be a definite schedule for diet and exercise to keep Diabetes under control. In this way, the patient will also keep his weight in check and remain healthy and fit.

Myth No. 6       

Diabetic patients have to inject insulin syringes daily.

inject insulin

Facts About This Myth On Diabetes

This is actually not the case. The fact is that not all diabetic patients need injectable medication like insulin syringes every day. This process is only for those in the state whose ailment needs this instantly and not for every diabetic patient. There are also available many natural medicines that can control this nasty disease without any use of needles. Injecting insulin syringes is not required by all diabetic patients. Patients with especially advanced stages of the disease need this mode of treatment and that too under the strict control of their physician.

Myth No. 7

As a diabetic patient, you cannot eat sweets at all.

cannot eat sweets - Myths about Diabetes

Facts About This Myth

This is true that a diabetic patient cannot relish sweets every day or too often. But, he/she can enjoy sweets or desserts off and in a month. However, the amount of sweets they eat is the area they have to be particular about. They should eat sweets in small portions once or twice a week, but never daily. Too much of everything is always too bad.

Myth no. 8

Diabetic patients will go blind and lose their legs too soon.

Service dogs

Facts About This Myth

A healthy diet, proper check-ups, regular exercise, well-controlled blood pressure, and average body weight will never allow a diabetic patient to get blind or amputate any part of his body. However, without proper care and check and balance of your ailment, you will have to face severe consequences. If you are particular about taking care of Diabetes with the help of an active lifestyle, it will not disturb you too much.

Myth No. 9      

Diabetic patients are always bad drivers.

Diabetic patients are bad drivers

Facts About This Diabetic Myth

This is true that Diabetes affects driving but not to the extent that a diabetic patient cannot drive at all. If a diabetic patient has also got Hypoglycemia, it is dangerous to drive now. But, with proper handling, diabetes never makes a big difference, and you can drive accurately.

Myth No.10

You always need insulin if you are a diabetic.

Myths about Diabetes

Fact About This Myth

This is true if you have type 1 diabetes but does not apply to the other types. Type 2 diabetes does not need insulin shots as long as the patient is careful and observant enough to keep it under control.


As a diabetic patient, you can demystify these common myths about diabetes if you keep a healthy lifestyle, take a proper diet to boost immunity and exercise, and get more and more awareness regarding this disease.

Also Read: High blood sugar connects diabetes and swollen feet. Learn about the causes and tips for diabetes swollen feet.

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