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Diseases & Conditions

Why do Heart Diseases in Women Pose Greater Health Risks?

The specific hormonal system of women along-with some social issues and lifestyle habits puts them at a higher risk for certain heart diseases. Women...

Ten Common Myths about Diabetes – We Mustn’t Ignore it!

Have you ever noticed that people often advise people with diabetes about their food, illness, and diet? They tell them that consuming excess sugar...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – What To Expect? What Really is Social Distancing!

In this hi-tech era, we would have never imagined the whole world on the same plane. Coronavirus (COVID-19) has crossed almost all the borders...

What Are the Common Causes of Acne Breakouts?

Acne is mainly a chronic skin inflammation that causes spots and pimples on the skin. Almost everyone faces this condition whether mild or severe....

7 Most Common Essential Oils For Allergies!

Essential oils are concentrated aromatic liquids distilled from plants and renowned natural remedies for allergies used therapeutically for ages. They hold a prominent position...

Diabetes in Women—What you Need to Know? (Updated 2023)

It might seem from the title 'Diabetes in Women' that this article is exclusively for women. However, this is not the case; men can...

Diabetes Swollen Feet Symptoms, Causes And Healing Tips (Infographic)

Are you worried about your swollen feet? There could be many reasons for your swollen feet. Whatever the reason may be, you need to...

How Laser Tattoo Removal Works? 10 Caveats of Tattoo Removal

It’s crucial for everyone with a tattoo to consider the caveats or limitations before opting for the laser tattoo removal procedure. This will help...

8 Different Types Of Acne – How Can I identify My...

Acne is a skin disorder that creates pores, pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the face, arms, neck or even chest and back. It happens...

Can Dry Eye Cause Blindness? Facts, Treatment And Prevention Of Dry...

You might have heard that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder; if you want to appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature, all...

What Is Ashwagandha? When To Take Ashwagandha?

No one ever wants to deal with health issues all their life or at least most of their life. We all know that once...

Can Menopause Cause Itching? What does Menopause Itching Feel Like?

Hormonal changes during menopause cause hot flashes, night sweats, and itchy skin; in layman's terms, we can also address it as menopause itching. Alterations...

10 Best Essential Oils Sinusitis Can Be Treated With!

Ever had the feeling of a stuffy nose after flu or respiratory allergies? The condition of Sinusitis is a nasal infection or inflammation which...

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