What Survival Skills or Life Skill Activities Your Children Need to...
Imagine yourself stranded on an island with no escape in sight, with limited food and drinking water, just you and those survival skills you...
Are You Making These 10 Consequential Parenting Mistakes?
Though discipline is not a very happy thing for kids, however without it, their upbringing would not be complete, and they will behave like...
7 Ways to Deal with Rude Teen Behaviour! How to Deal...
Teenage is the age when teenagers go through many emotional and physical changes that often make them confused, irritated, rude, stubborn and short-tempered, leaving...
Discipline Errors You Need to Stay Away from!
As a parent making wrong judgments oftentimes become an unintentional part of your life. To get our kids disciplined, we mostly repeat these mistakes...
9 Ways Parents Can Ensure Internet Safety for Children!
Nowadays, kids spend most of their time online. Whether they are studying on the computer at home, watching videos on tablets, or chatting or playing...
How Well Can You Organize Your Life as A Mother?
The troubles of getting by in our lives seem a big test, and anyone with a strong grasp on everyday tasks and decisions can...
10 Effective Parenting Strategies to Cope with Kids During Covid-19 Outbreak
Uncertainty, anxiousness, fear, and stress are prevailing everywhere during the time of the pandemic. People have been staying in their homes to avoid the...
Drug and Alcohol Abuse – What To Do If Your Child...
No parent wants to learn that their child has drugs or alcohol in their possession. With frightening stories on the news of teens overdosing,...
Social Issues that Trouble the “Future Minds”
In the sixteen years, I spent on planet Earth. It took me only 11 to realize that life is nothing but millions of problems...