What They Don’t Tell You About 3 Harsh Facts about Long-Distance Relationships!

harsh facts in long distance relationship

People face many challenges in long-distance relationships, but three facts are harsher than any other! When people enter into a long-distance relationship, they’re pumped and full of feelings of love, commitment, and undying loyalty. But sadly, these feelings wear out gradually. A long-distance relationship can be a lot harder than what people imagine. And there are many reasons why long-distance relationships don’t work out. That’s why you must know 3 harsh facts about long-distance relationships if you’re considering entering one!

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Here are 3 of the harshest facts about long-distance relationships and quick tips on solving them.

1. Distance Matters More than You Think

Undoubtedly, people in long-distance relationships face many challenges, and the biggest one is physical distance.

(i) No Physical Closeness

This isn’t a hard-to-know fact. In a long-distance relationship, you’ll experience less physical closeness than before. Such as not being able to meet up every other day. Or the little hugs and holding hands while going on walks or just leaning against each other. Indeed, the sense of physical security that a relationship gives you is very compassionate and warm, but the absence of this closeness makes your life and relationship challenging. Research says physical interdependence and affectionate touch are crucial foundations for a well-committed relationship. Granted, in a long-distance relationship, you don’t exactly have many options to choose from. However, nothing can beat that physical hug or cuddle. This can oftentimes lead the couple into a slump in their relationship. Here are some tips that you can use to survive a long-distance relationship.

(ii) Time Management

Likewise, giving time to each other in a long-distance relationship becomes complicated. This can lead to a sense of distance between the couple. For example, you’re in Texas, and your significant other is in New York. You can’t drive 32 hours every time to see your other half, right? As an alternative, you’ll make use of technology. However, you have your own work life, and your partner has their own; it is pretty tough to juggle between taking time to sit and communicate, which further leads to insecurities and a little spark of dissatisfaction.

(iii) Less Emotional Security

It’s strange but true that in a long-distance relationship, people grow emotionally apart rather than becoming more fond of each other. For instance, you go through a devastating event and want comfort from your beloved. But he is unavailable due to work or some other factor. You’ll then feel abandoned and will gradually detach yourself emotionally. Dr Guldner says that the most challenging aspect of long-distance relationships is maintaining the feeling of being part of one another’s lives; they need constant reassurance. These high expectations can often make partners disappointed and resentful that the time spent together apart was not like what they imagined. 

2. It Will Cost You Emotionally and Financially

long distance costs you emotionally

There’s a gleeful bubble of intimacy that you enjoy when in a relationship. According to some studies, intimacy holds a very important place within a couple’s life. It is often referred to as a basic psychological need, and it is essential to keep the relationship alive. Some of the factors that cost you intimacy in a long-distance relationship are: 

(i) Trust Issues

When you’re away from your partner, you start keeping tabs on them. This happens when a couple is aware of their partner’s every activity in pre-long-distance relationship times. Therefore, not getting the same amount of information can lead you to doubt. This doubt can put cracks in your trust. As a result, it will plague you with intrusive thoughts. Don’t let these thoughts dry out your feelings for each other; try keeping your long-distance relationship alive and exciting by employing various means.

(ii) Financial Expenses

Money is a two-sided entity. When it’s enough, it’s a blessing. When it’s not, it becomes a curse. Every human in a long-distance relationship can’t help but want to meet with their beloved again and again in any way possible. Some might even try to surprise their partners on their birthdays or other occasions. They create an ideal scenario and are happy due to it. Well, here’s where money pokes in. Gas, plane tickets, travel necessities, hotel bookings, and other expenses pop that ideal bubble. Unless you’re someone who can afford this, then you can realize this ideal. But if not, it only puts a strain on your long-distance relationship. Accordingly, your intimacy value also gets endangered.

3. You’ll Experience Loneliness In Ways Than One

loneliness can result in fighting

A social connection is an important link. Most of the time, when alone, you’ll be sad due to the distance-wise absence of your partner. Leaving you to seek and spend time with friends or colleagues. It can come about in the form of prioritizing friendships that are physically nearby. Feelings of wanting to abandon this uncertainty are completely understandable. Psychology says keeping a positive mindset is essential in keeping the relationship alive. But, if you want your relationship to flourish with your counterpart, be sure to keep an eye out for certain stepping stones in a relationship to make things work!

(i) Loneliness Can Result in Blame and Fighting

Loneliness is the bane of human existence. One study says that loneliness is one of the main factors in long-distance relationship dissolution. Such a predicament can lead to people having trouble making adjustments in their lives. It can even go as far as blaming your partner for not being here. This might inevitably lead to a disagreement or a fight.

(ii) Glow Down

Everyone has probably heard of a glow-up, right? But how many of you are familiar with a glow-down? It’s an often unheard-of issue among the 3 harsh facts about long-distance relationships. If glow-up refers to a positive transformation, then, in contrast, glow-down is a negative transformation. A person in a long-distance relationship is sometimes saddled with many negative feelings. In such a state, you don’t feel like doing anything. It’ll look as if everyone else is happy while you’re not. Your motivation to maintain a long-term relationship may start to stale. In a sense, this glow down is you seeing the world in a gloomy light. Scary right? At this stage, you’re probably afraid about the relationship dying out. Worse, you won’t even want to save your dying relationship.

(iii) Chances of Cheating

The harshest reality that people in a long-distance relationship face is the infidelity of their partner. It’s sad but it’s true. In your absence, your partner might develop feelings for someone else. A survey conducted by PR Newswire estimated about 22% of infidelity cases in Long-distance relationships. While 32% of participants said they would never enter a long-distance relationship again. Proper communication is the solution to this problem. But even despite that, remember not to ignore any red flags you pick up on!


In conclusion, long-distance relationships demand unwavering commitment and patience from both parties. The only way to successfully keep the relationship going is to acknowledge the 3 harsh facts of a long-distance relationship. Nothing is impossible; when you are 100 percent sure to be with your partner, you can solve all your differences by properly working them out. So hold your horses, take a deep breath, maybe even a little break, and communicate and commit.

Also Read: When you want to be heard listen to your partner. This is the key to a happy journey through relationship milestones to find lasting love and peace.

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Alisha Shabbir is a Student, Content Writer and hopefully, a Future Bestselling Author, whose sole passion is to create content that's not only Aesthetically Pleasing but also Progressively Life-Changing. Currently, she has all her resources focused on improving the quality of life because she believes that is all that matters on this small planet in a vast galaxy. When she's not working, you can find her buried in Books, lost in Music or… Procrastinating on her assignments.


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