Corn Flakes Nutrition Facts: A Popular Breakfast

Corn Flakes Nutrition Facts

Corn flakes are one of the most popular breakfast cereals worldwide. The tasty flakes of corn are the main ingredients of this cereal, along with some other ingredients: vitamins (A, B, C, E, and D), milled corn, corn syrup, and sugar. Corn flakes nutrition facts are something that we need to talk about. The presence of thiamine makes it a good source for energy production, carbohydrate metabolism, and cognitive functions. Though it’s not very rich in fiber; however adding some nuts and fruits fulfills the fiber requirement.

In 1894, two brothers, John Kellogg and Will Kellogg, unexpectedly made corn flakes from stale wheat. At that time, corn flakes’ nutrient facts were unknown to many people. Later, many other companies also started making corn flakes, and now you can find a gluten-free version too.

Nutritional Benefits Of Corn Flakes

Along with the mouthwatering taste, corn flakes also have various nutritional benefits. Having 33 grams of corn flakes can provide you with approximately 0.667 mg of Vitamin B1, 0.858 mg of Vitamin B2, 0.198 mg of Vitamin B6, 27.85 g of Carbohydrate, 1.584 mg of Vitamin B3, 2.48 g of protein, 211 mg of Sodium, 13 mg of Magnesium, 4.39 mg of Iron, 20 µg of Vitamin B9 and 29 mg of Phosphorus. Let’s take an in-depth look to know how tasty and healthy cornflakes are!

1. Nutrition Rich

nutrition rich

These golden yellow flakes taste incredible and are a rich source of vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, and protein. You can have this with hot or even with cold milk too. Usually, it’s an excellent option for a quick breakfast too.

2. Have Folate

folate - Corn Flakes Nutrition Facts

The presence of folate helps to form new cells, which is essential during pregnancy. Folate also plays a crucial part in preventing colon cancer and heart ailments. 

3. Contain Iron

contains iron

Corn flakes have iron content too, which helps keep a healthy blood level and protects from getting anaemic.

4. Rich In Vitamins

rich in vitamins - Corn Flakes Nutrition Facts

Other contents like vitamins A, niacin, vitamin B, vitamin B12, lutein, etc., are beneficial for our eyes.

5. Keep You Full

keep you full

Corn flakes make you feel full, automatically reducing your urges for unnecessary, unhealthy food.

6. With Milk – A Protein-Rich Food

milk with cornflakes - Corn Flakes Nutrition Facts

As you pour milk into it, it turns into a protein-rich food that plays a remarkable role in immunity, regulating hormones and different enzymes, and repairing the tissues.

7. Presence Of Carotenoid


The presence of carotenoid, also known as beta-cryptoxanthin in corn, helps protect lung health and prevent lung cancer.

8. Aid In Weight Loss

weight loss - Corn Flakes Nutrition Facts

Corn flakes can be a part of your weight loss program too. Having lower calories makes it perfect for your weight loss diet. 

9. Keeps Cholesterol In Check


Golden tossed flakes also play an important role in keeping your cholesterol under control. As these flakes are very light and healthy, they are good for heart ailments too.

10. Good For Gut Health

gut health - Corn Flakes Nutrition Facts

Because of its fiber content, this breakfast cereal is good for your digestive system and can prevent constipation. 

Now that you are aware of cornflakes’ nutrient facts, you need to get a clear picture of how you can use them to get the best taste and good results. Let’s have a quick look at how to make it quick and tasty:

  • You can make yummy cornflake cookies keeping the cornflakes as the show’s star.
  • As corn flakes are available in various flavors, like mango, almond, vanilla, chocolate, cinnamon, strawberry, etc., you can also pour them into your pudding and make it taste heavenly.
  • Cornflake chivda is quite a good option for a low-calorie and tasty snack. 
  • Get a bowl of corn flakes and pour whole or skimmed milk into it. To get the best result, you can add honey or bananas, strawberries, apple, or other fruits. 
  • For getting a nutty treat, mix the cornflakes with honey and walnuts. Then use peanuts as a topping.
  • Instead of the usual breadcrumbs, crushed corn flakes can also be a good option as an alternate option.
  • You can always treat yourself to a bowl of corn, wheat, and rice flakes with chilled milk, thereby reaping the benefits of a quick multigrain snack.

There are some contrasting views about corn flakes as a nutritious alternative to fatty, greasy breakfast items. Some people think that even though corn flakes have a lower fat content, they have a high level of fructose-containing corn syrup. Corn flakes are thus sugary and should be avoided. If you have sugary food for breakfast, you will risk developing diabetes. So when buying corn flakes as your breakfast item, read the labels and nutrition facts printed on the package carefully and then choose wisely.

Also Read: Every meal is important, and it is especially true for breakfast. Here are some healthy and delicious breakfast ideas for teens to get them crave for it.

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