6 Mother’s Day Gifts Ideas During The Lockdown!

mother's day

Mothers are mysterious creatures that set the bar too high for the rest of humanity. You simply cannot come to understand until you actually become one. Interestingly, we never even realize how much we take them for granted and come to mistreat the only person who’s been there for us our whole lives. On this Sunday, the calendar gives us a day where we can all channel our inner “ideal child” and make it special for her. Lockdown does put a damper on the extent you could go to, but there’s still a lot you can do for her. Here are 6 mother’s day gifts ideas which you can opt to show your love to her during the COVID-19 Lockdown.

Some of the Best Mother’s Day Gifts Ideas to Celebrate!

1. Breakfast in Bed – One of the Best Mother’s Day Gifts During 2020 Lockdown!

breakfast-in-bed - mother's day treat
Image Credit: pixabay.com

One of the things mothers are inherently good at is making you the best comfort food. Why not return the favor this time and cook up an amazing meal for her instead? Let her sleep in a few extra hours while you prepare her the most delicious assortment of breakfast dishes you can muster up in these trying times. Pancakes are a good option if you have a limited supply of ingredients, and they taste heart-warmingly scrumptious.

2.  A Personalised Mother’s Day Gift – Home Movie Marathon

Home Movie Marathon - Best Mother's Day Gift
Image Credit: pexels.com

All mothers love to see their children grow. Luckily for us, we live in an era where it’s easy to record all of the little memories our brain is too lazy to store. Organize an evening trying to take her for a pleasant stroll down memory lane. Find all of your crazy recordings back from when you were still a child and put them on for her. She’ll be tearing up towards the end, but trust me, you would’ve never seen her happier than in that moment. You can also punctuate your grand show with little movie snacks like popcorn or candy.

3. Inside Out – Re-decorate Your Space with This Gift Idea!

Inside Out - Gift Ideas on Mother's Day
Image Credit: pixabay.com

We obviously cannot venture out this time, but there’s nothing stopping you from recreating everything she would want to go out for, but inside. Pretend to take her shopping, for an ice-cream date of to a high-end restaurant, the possibilities are endless. Put on your best outfits for your “outing”. She’ll find it super fun and you both will get a break from the monotony of your environment. Re-decorate your space to resemble the location of your choice and see her eyes light up at the sight.

4. Self-care Sis – Indeed A Sweet Mother’s Day Gift!

Mother's Day Gift Ideas
Image Credit: pexels.com

Let’s be honest, our moms are great at pampering us when we’re upset. Why not return the favor and treat her to a spa day right at home. Manicures and pedicures are easy enough to execute. A head massage works wonders too. There are tons of recipes online for organic face masks. Get her to put her feet up just for a day and relax with every cell in her body. You can also paint your nails with matching color and have a mini photo-shoot to show off your in-house glow up.

5. Read Poem for Her – Express your Feelings!

Mother's Day Gift Ideas to Celebrate During the Lockdown
Image Credit: pexels.com

Express your feelings for her in a heartfelt poem written especially for her by you. If you feel you cannot write your own, find something off of the internet and recite it to her. In case, if you prefer music and can sing or play an instrument, do a musical evening where you play some of her favorite tunes. And if nothing else, turn on the radio and groove together to the hottest beats.

6. Help Her Reconnect With This Superb Mother’s Day Gift Idea!

Mother's Day Gifts
Image credit: pexels.com

Lockdown is a hard time for all of us, and she is sure to miss her parents on this day too. Organize an online video call for her with her mom, dad or even her best buds. She feels all alone now, and on this Sunday the best mother’s day gift you can give her is people. It’s easy to organize such virtual meet-ups, literally only just a few clicks away. With apps like Zoom, House party or Skype, it’s almost too easy to set up an online party and rouse her from her loneliness. Alternatively, you can host a game night within the family as well. Bring out some of the board games that’s been gathering dust in your bottom drawer and have the night of your lives

Mother’s day should not be restricted to one day alone. Our mothers gave us the gift of life and we often take it for granted. As of tomorrow, let’s make each day a bit more special for our mothers, show them just how much we care, and tell them we love them every day, even though we might not be there often enough. After all, they aren’t getting any younger! Happy mother’s day to all the mothers out there, you all are awesome.

I hope you will enjoy these mother’s day gifts ideas, do like and share your views via comments section. 😊

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  1. ANU,

  2. Blessed to be a mother of such Loving daughters…had the best mother's day ever…every idea implemented.Stay blessed,keep writing ,keep inspiring 😘


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