How Abusers Rely On Reactive Abuse To Come At Victims?

Reactive Abuse

Imagine this: You’re in a heated argument with someone, they provoke you, and you react. They then call you the aggressor, flipping the script in their favor. This is essentially what reactive abuse is, and it’s a favored method among abusers. The reaction of the victim is often in the form of outburst which is used against them by the abuser to reinforce their victim status. This form of abuse is often manipulative and insidious because it paints the perpetrator as the victim, shifting blame and responsibility away from them. Let’s dig into the bits and pieces of this type of abuse:

5 Things You Must Know About Reactive Abuse!

Reactive abuse, a term you may or may not be familiar with, is a complex facet of abusive relationships. It’s wrapped in layers of misunderstanding, misconceptions, and manipulation. Here are 5 things you may not know about this form of abuse: 

1. Manipulation Reinforces Guilt

Manipulation Reinforces Guilt

This abuse can be difficult to identify because of its cyclical and manipulative nature. It often involves a pattern of actions designed to provoke a reaction, followed by the abuser using that reaction to assert control and reinforce the victim’s feelings of guilt and shame.

2. An Emotional Abuse

An Emotional Abuse

Reactive abuse is a serious issue that can have long-term effects on a victim’s mental and emotional health. It is a type of emotional abuse and thus affects people’s minds. It can lead to conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety.

3. Opposite Personality Of Abuser

Opposite Personality Of Abuser - reactive abuse

Reactive abusers are often charming and charismatic in public, making it hard for others to believe or understand the victim’s accounts of abuse. They seem nice people in front of strangers but can be manipulative and controlling for the victim.

4. Appearances Can Be Deceiving

Appearances Can Be Deceiving

It’s important to understand that anyone, regardless of gender, age, or background, can become a victim of reactive abuse. It’s not limited to any specific demographic. Thus, you cannot judge or blame the victim for being in such misery. It’s not their choice.

5. Narcissism Of Abuser 

Narcissism Of Abuser - reactive abuse

The abuser in situations of reactive abuse often displays traits of narcissism or sociopathy. They lack empathy for their victim, and their main goal is to maintain control and power within the relationship. That’s how bad narcissists become in a relationship and that’s how narcissists treat their exes as well.

The 3 Ways Abusers Mess With Victims’ Minds

So, how do abusers rely on reactive abuse and victimize the abused? Let’s explore. 

Provocation: The abuser triggers the victim intentionally, pushing their buttons until they react.

Victim Blaming: After the provoked reaction, the abuser points fingers at the victim, blaming them for reacting.

Role Reversal: This is where the abuser becomes the ‘victim’, accusing the actual victim of being the abuser.

Also Read: Moving on from a toxic relationship requires a lot of struggles. You have to get out of the trauma and mental abuse as well to see yourself the way you were before.

How Reactive Abuse Leads To No Escape For Victims?

There is no way to escape when an abuser tries to shift the blame on you and you are trapped there with no friends or social circle around. Here are some tactics you need to be wary of!

1. Gaslighting Tactics

Gaslighting Tactics-Reactive Abuse

Abusers often resort to gaslighting, a manipulative strategy where they make the victim question their memory, perceptions, or sanity, turning the blame on them. Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where the abuser aims to make the victim doubt their feelings, instincts, and sanity.

2. Emotional Manipulation 

Emotional Manipulation  - Reactive Abuse

Emotional manipulation is another common tactic. Abusers may instigate arguments, only to accuse the victim of starting them. This leaves the victim feeling overwhelmed and guilty. Breaking the cycle of reactive abuse requires the victim to stand up against this manipulative behavior.

3. Playing the Victim 

Playing the Victim-Reactive Abuse

In the twisted dynamics of reactive abuse, abusers often play the victim. Even if you know when to leave the relationship, you will dwell on the blames. Abusers claim they’re being attacked when the victim stands up for themselves, conveniently forgetting their provoking behavior. 

4. Distortion of Reality

Reactive Abuse - Distortion of Reality

Abusers are adept at distorting reality. They manipulate the narrative to make the victim appear as the aggressor, further solidifying their gaslighting efforts. If you say something, the abuser may escalate their tactics to regain control. Having a safety plan in place, and people who you trust would help is a support in this case.

5. Public Humiliation 

Public Humiliation

Public humiliation can be a potent weapon in the abuser’s arsenal. By demeaning the victim in front of others, the abuser can provoke an emotional reaction, which they then use to justify their abusive behavior in this reactive abuse.

6. Silent Treatment 

Reactive Abuse - Silent Treatment

Abusers often use the silent treatment as a form of punishment. This forces the victim to work hard to regain their approval, often blaming themselves for the abuser’s silence. That’s why victims end up staying in an abusive relationship even when they don’t want to.

7. Relentless Criticism

Relentless Criticism

Relentless criticism can break down a victim’s self-esteem. The abuser can then use any reaction as an excuse to allege the victim is ‘overreacting’ or ‘too sensitive’. They shift the situation against you and you become the abuser yourself in their perspective.

8. Provoking Jealousy 

Provoking Jealousy

Some form of jealousy in a relationship is allowed and ignored sometimes. But the abusers may intentionally ignite jealousy to incite a reaction to provoke reactive abuse. They then use this reaction only to accuse the victim of being ‘controlling’ or ‘paranoid’.

9. Isolation Techniques 

Isolation Techniques - reactive abuse

Isolation is a powerful tactic used by abusers. They isolate the victim from friends and family, making them more dependent on the abuser and more susceptible to their manipulations. Abusers use this tactic making it difficult for victims to get outside perspectives or support. This increases the victim’s dependency on the abuser.

10. Blame Shifting 

blame game - reactive abuse

Lastly, blame-shifting is a common strategy. It acts like a final nail in the coffin. The abuser never assumes responsibility for their actions, instead constantly shifting the blame onto the victim. They may blame themselves for their reactions but never recognize that they provoked the abuse.

“Reactive abuse is a manipulative tactic designed to shift blame, maintain control, and create confusion. It’s a psychological game that leaves victims feeling guilty for the abuser’s actions.”

This cycle of provocations and accusations can be incredibly damaging to the victim, causing them to question their behavior and even their sanity. It’s a disorienting world where up is down, and wrong is right. It’s vital to note that reactive abuse is never the victim’s fault. No one deserves to be treated with disrespect or cruelty, and everyone has the right to live free from fear and abuse. One must stay strong at all times!

Also Read: One must never ignore the slightest warning signs of an abusive relationship. If you see one, never take it lightly.

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