7 Ways to Deal with Rude Teen Behaviour! How to Deal with Stubborn Teens!

7 Ways to Deal with Rude Teen Behaviour! How to Deal with Stubborn Teens!

Teenage is the age when teenagers go through many emotional and physical changes that often make them confused, irritated, rude, stubborn and short-tempered, leaving parents with one thought — how to deal with their teenager! Dealing with your teenager can go south if you lose patience and yell at them. To deal with such a situation, you should start monitoring the rude teen behaviour minutely and act accordingly. Make sure to positively tell your child that you will not tolerate disrespectful and ingenuine behaviour. 

How to Deal with Rude Teen Behaviour?

You have to seek ways how to control the situation carefully without hurting your teen or yourself. It is a family matter, and for the sake of family and as a grown-up person, it’s you who have to seek ways or step in first to resolve conflict. Every parent has their own technique to deal with their children or family issues because every child and family are different. Yet some things are common to deal with rude teen behaviour, and here they are:

1. Communication is the Key

Rude Teen Behavior - Communication is the lifeline of every relationship
  •  We all know that ‘Communication is the lifeline of every relationship’, so start communicating with your child. 
  • Try to find out what is wrong with him/her. Tell your teens that their behaviour is not appropriate and the whole family is under stress.
  • Ask your teens if they have any problems or going through any unwanted stress, and then feel free to share them with you. Assure them they can count on you and that you would go to any length to help them.
  • It is quite convenient if a mother talks with her daughter and a father talks with his son; in this way, gender difference doesn’t cause any distance. Sometimes some issues are like that which we feel comfortable sharing with the same gender. 
  • Involve them in healthy conversation and activities, and try to involve them so that they can rely on you and come to you at any point in time to ask for your suggestions.
  • Be patient, and just don’t lose your temper while talking to your teen. 

2. Try to be Their Friend…

Keep a friendly environment

Keep a friendly environment between you and your child. It will help you to understand her/him in a better way. Your friendly behaviour gives your teen the confidence to confide in you. At this age, they seek trust, love, care and privacy, and it’s you who can give this all to your child.

  • Nonetheless, you are busy, take out time for your children and spend time with each other.
  • Try to understand your child to the core and read their behaviour. As a parent, you can notice any minute changes if you are really into them.
  • Trust is crucial for teens; try to win their trust so that they can share everything with you.
  • Involve them in your daily routine, tell them about yours, and ask about them. In this way, they will feel equal instead of being felt inquired.
  • Give some responsibilities to them because, at this age, teens think they are quite grown-up now and can handle anything. Let them see the real picture.

3. Rules are Must

Rude Teen Behavior - Rules are Must

Rules are important to keep discipline, and a simple set of rules can avoid a worsening situation. Whenever the talk is about rules, the first thing that pops up in our mind is ‘Rules’ means something strict, rigid or harsh. No, we are wrong here; rules are a must for every person as they make you disciplined and well mannered. Rules are a guide to value time and hard work. Take every family member in confidence about the importance of rules.

  • Sit down with your family members, discuss, consider everyone’s opinion, come to one agreement and make rules.
  • They must implicate every family member.
  • They should be very specific about the consequences of breaking any rule.
  • If your child disagrees with these rules, tell him/her that his/her behaviour is inappropriate lately, and these rules are here to avoid such situations.
  • Guide your child about right and wrong you are observing in him/her. Clear them that rules are set for his/her own good.

4. Definition of Punishment Must be Clear

Punishment Must be Clear

Word punishment brings an image of physical punishment in our mind, but physical punishment can only worsen the situations for both of you. Punishment doesn’t mean you have to be cruel or inhumane. Here what punishment should be like.

  • Punishment should be like that, which doesn’t cause any physical or mental stress; simultaneously, s/he realizes the cause of this punishment.
  • Sometimes to express their anger, teens slam the door, lightly warn them. If the same action repeats, just remove the door; this will work anyway because teens love their privacy.
  • On misbehaving, you can cancel their weekend outing, underground them for a week, seize their gaming console or mobile phones.
  • Make them realize that saying sorry is not a bad thing, and if they are guilt-ridden and accepting their mistakes, you are ready to forgive them but do ensure that this would never happen again.
  • Tips for you as a parent is that while giving punishments, try to be polite, don’t abuse, threaten and yell at your child.

5. Patience Can Win the Battle

Rude Teen Behavior - Patience Can Win the Battle

Patience is the biggest weapon of yours. Make it handy. Patience is an excellent policy to cope with any situation. Dealing with rude teen behaviour isn’t an easy task, but your patience can do wonders; after all, your child loves you too. Your guidance and patience are the keys to fix any challenging problem. 

  • When your child misbehaves, be patient and silent; afterwards, tell her/him that her/his attitude was demeaning; s/he should feel sorry for behaving like that.
  • Reacting at that instant moment will not help you to avoid any problem. It can only build more barriers between you two making a worsening scenario.
  • Most of the time child speaks without realizing what s/he is saying and to whom. Handle this type of situation calmly and gently. Words have a great power to mend any situation. 

6. Respect is For Everyone…

Respect is For Everyone...

Being a parent getting respect from your children is not your sole propriety; giving the same amount of respect to your teens is a must. “Give respect, take respect” is a great saying; cite this in your life, and you will find out that it is helpful plus constructive.

  • When we talk about respect, the first rule dealing with rude teen behaviour is that you should give some of it to your child as well if you want them to respect you.
  • Teens need logics to understand things, tell them examples or good deeds of their elders, and explain why they should respect their elders. Politely tell them that it’s their duty as well as courtesy to respect their elders.
  • Don’t say, No, all the time whenever s/he demands anything from you. Respect her/his wishes; in return, s/he will respect yours; it is solely reciprocal.
  • Respect his/her age, privacy and just do not use words that hurt his/her ego.

7. Instil the Outcomes in the Mind

Rude Teen Behavior - Instill the Outcomes in the Mind

Every action has a reaction same goes for the different deeds; each one has a good or bad consequence. Sometimes instilling the outcomes of bad deeds in your teen’s mind is more beneficial than anything. You both will not reach on giving punishment if the consequences of breaking any rules or misbehaviour are clear in your teen’s mind. 

  • If they break some house rules, they will end up living without the internet for a whole week.
  • If they behave well during the week, you can reconsider the outcomes into good with a promise of following the house rules.
  • Your children should know that they have to face every result of their deeds; they must be clear that you are with them, but you will not fight for them for their wrongdoing.

Every child has a different personality. It is their age that makes them stubborn or rude. So it is up to you how calmly and neatly you handle the situation to deal with rude teen behaviour. It is essential for parents to know that teenagers don’t have the same control as grown-ups. Your duty is to guide and support them to deal with these problems.

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